Information for Parents
Information for Parents
Funding for your child

Term Dates
Our Opening Times
8:30 - 12:30: AM Session
11:45 - 12:30: Lunch Club
12:30- 16:00: PM Session
8:30-16:00pm All Day
9:00-3:00pm Pre-School Session
8:30 - 12:30: AM Session
11:45 - 12:30: Lunch Club
12:30- 16:00: PM Session
8:30-16:00pm - All Day
9:00-3:00pm: Pre-School Session
*Those starting school within the academic year
8:30 - 12:30: AM Session
11:45 - 12:30: Lunch Club
12:30- 16:00: PM Session
8:30-16:00pm - All Day
9:00-3:00: Pre-School Session
8:30 - 12:30: AM Session
11:45 - 12:30: Lunch Club
12:30- 16:00: PM Session
8:30-16:00pm - All Day
9-3: Pre-School Session
8:30 - 12:30: AM Session
11:45 - 12:30: Lunch Club
8:30-15.00pm - All Day
9-3: Pre-School Session
Our fees are:
Additional or non-funded hours: £5 per hour
*subject to an annual review*
Funded Sessions
All three and four-year-olds are entitled up to 570 hours of free early education each funding year until they either go into reception class or reach compulsory school age (the term following their fifth birthday). This free entitlement will start from the term following their third birthday. If your child is eligible we also offer 2-year funding (this is subject to eligibility and approval from the NCC funding team). Any eligible children can access funding from the term after they turn two once the family has received the approval of their application.
To check if you can claim funding for your two-year-old please visit the Northamptonshire Website.
To see when your child is eligible please see the cut-off dates below.
- Any child born between 1st April - 31st August will receive their funding in the Autumn Term.
- Any child born between 1st September - 31 December will receive their funding in the Spring Term.
- Any child born between 1st January - 31st March will receive their funding in the Summer Term.
Don't worry we will do all the paperwork but if you have any queries or questions relating to funding please see our Funding page, or contact our Business Manager, Charmaine Walker on businessmgr.hackletonpreschool@gmail.com
Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
Getting parents involved in our Pre-School is something that is very important to us and something you can do in many ways! We appreciate as parents there are always 101 things to do so we have created a list (that's not exclusive) of some areas you may wish to get involved with. Your support in any way is priceless to both your child and us.
So how can you get involved;
- It may seem obvious but share ideas you may have around activities, what we could share at home with you like story bags or baking recipes or something new! Talk to your child about their day and encourage them to share their news with you!
- Fundraising Committee - many of our lovely parents over the years have been part of the fundraising committee. It’s a great way to meet other parents and raise that all-important pot of money to enhance and develop our preschool. Without this key activity, our preschool just wouldn’t survive. Parents often come up with new ideas and they bring so much needed support. If you haven’t got time to join please to support them by attending these fabulous events as they are so much fun and very popular! Regular events include; ladies night, bingo, wreath making, quiz night, Easter egg hunt and many more!
- You could volunteer for a session! Come along and see what your child and their friends get excited about! One of the main areas where this is so important is outside events or school trips!
If you can’t volunteer during preschool hours, all is not lost! There are lots of areas from joining the
committee to offering to to print, glue or stick, fix or build a mud kitchen, knitting or painting and just
goes on! Over the years we have been so lucky to have received kind and generous offers from the
parents, careers, extended family members and the community. We would be lost without you!
We also welcome new ideas or wonderful new skills.